We may have been a little quiet., This is because the Steering Group has been extremely busy undertaking the detailed analysis of the Consultation Questionnaire data, collating supporting information, and starting to draft the policies to be contained within the Neighbourhood Plan. We are learning lots on the way with the help of our Planning Consultant, who is making sure we are compliant with legislation. Once the drafting is complete (expected early June) there are still several stages and milestones to get through complete.
June – Approval of draft policies by the Parish Council
August – Statutory bodies’ consultation on the Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan
October – Parishioner consultation on the Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan
December – Submission of Neighbourhood Plan to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC) and for Independent Examination
Early 2018 – Parish Referendum
We need your support at the Referendum in early 2018. With the Sheepy Parish electorate voting to accept the Neighbourhood Plan, the Parish Council and HBBC will be able to use the policies for future Parish planning matters.
TO FIND OUT MORE – Our website is kept up to date with the work of the Steering Group; including news, minutes of meetings, supporting information as well as more information on Neighbourhood Plans. Why not take a look?
Monthly updates are also provided to the Parish Council and details can be found in the minutes.
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