

Welcome to the Neighbourhood Plan for Sheepy Parish

Work on our Neighbourhood Plan:Made (March 2019) commenced in 2015, when it was clear to the Parish Council that the local community wanted to have a say in how our Parish developed and to ensure that any development reflected its character and considered the needs and priorities of our community.

Our Neighbourhood Plan:Made (March 2019) sets out a vision for our Parish until 2036 and aims to contribute to sustainable development in 3 key areas – economic, social and environmental. It recognises the rural character of our Parish as well as its unique heritage. The tranquil setting, with its expansive views of the countryside, access to it and its wildlife and the Sibson Conservation area are highly valued by all of us. We are proud that there is a historical significance which includes a registered battlefield; that of the Battle of Bosworth, the last battle of the War of the Roses. King Richard III is believed to have fallen in our Parish, bringing to an end the reign of the Plantagenets and the beginning of the Tudor dynasty.

Since the March 2019 the Neighbourhood Plan has been used to support Sheepy Parish Council & Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council in responding to planning applications ensuring that any planning permission meets what the community said they wanted to see and support.  At the July 2020 Parish Council meeting it was agreed to proceed with a refresh to the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that it remains current and effective.

The development of our Neighbourhood Plan and ongoing work is led by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on behalf of the Parish Council.  In developing the Neighbourhood Plan the group took account of the views of hundreds of local parishioners, businesses and other stakeholders who took the time to attend the various “drop in” and stakeholder consultations, to complete the questionnaires and to give their views.  I should like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, who are all volunteers and who generously devote considerable time and effort to support us. I should like to thank you all also for your support. Without your input, we recognise that our Plan could not have been prepared.

Warm Regards

Ian Papworth Jim Aldridge
Chairman of the Sheepy Parish Council Immediate Past Chairman of the Sheepy Parish Council

Activities completed with the Neighbourhood Plan Refresh                  July 2020 – To date

  • Parish Council approval to proceed
  • Steering Group review of out of date content within Neighbourhood Plan

Activities completed with the Neighbourhood Plan:Made (March 2019) July 2015 – March 2019

  • Formation of cross village/hamlet Steering group under the brief of Sheepy Parish Council and supported by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
  • Two Parishioner open forums and one Business workshop
  • Parishioner consultation questionnaire
  • Policies agreed
  • Draft Neighbourhood Plan – See Pre-submission section of the website for the draft Neighbourhood Plan
  • Pre-submission consultation
  • FInalise Neighbourhood Plan
  • Final submission Neighbourhood Plan
  • Independent Examination
  • Consultation with HBBC on Referendum timescales
  • Referendum and adoption.