All posts by: Kate Gardiner

About Kate Gardiner

Neighbourhood Plan passed independent examination

We are delighted to advise that our Neighbourhood Plan successfully PASSED independent examination. All minor modifications requested by the Independent Examiner were agreed by the Steering Group & accepted by the Parish Council & Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council and have been incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan in readiness for the Referendum. Final steps Validation […]


Independent Examiner appointed

HBBC have confirmed the appointment of the Independent Examiner for our Neighbourhood Plan.  The Examiner will review our Neighbourhood Plan to ensure: Meets European obligations. Has regard to national planning policies. Is in general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan. Is compatible with adjoining Neighbourhood Plans. Contributes to the achievement of sustainable […]


HBBC approve required constitutional change

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council approved changes to the constitution* at the HBBC meeting on 27th November 2018, enabling the Steering Group to move forward to Independent Examination.   *HBBC – The constitution sets out the rules by which the council operates, and gives a framework in which councillors and officers can work. It contains […]


Submission Neighbourhood Plan available to view

Following validation Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council and accepted the final version submission of the Neighbourhood Plan and initiated the final consultation.  The consultation phase concludes on the 17th October 2018. Hard copies of the final plan are available for inspection at the following locations: Sheepy Memorial Hall The Black Horse, Sheepy Magna St Botoph […]


Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan submitted to HBBC

Following a final flurry of activity the Steering Group are delighted to confirm the Neighbourhood PLan was submitted to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Borough Council last week. The submission included the Neighbourhood Plan and a suite of supporting documentation including; Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement, Consultation Statement, Basic Conditions Statement, and Parish Council minutes approving […]



The Steering Group continues to meet monthly in readiness for concluding the Neighbourhood Plan in 2018.  We are pleased to advise we are reaching the final stages in producing our Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the draft Neighbourhood Plan and returned representations earlier in the year.  We have […]


January 2018 update – One step closer

The work of the Steering Group will continue well into 2018.  We are really pleased with our progress, and are one step closer to referendum and adoption. The pre-submission summary was issued to all residents across the Parish in November.  The four page summary provided Parishioners with an update on the work of the Steering […]
