Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan
SIBSON VILLAGE HALL – TUESDAY 19TH JANUARY 2016 between 3.00pm – 8.00pm
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, SHEEPY MAGNA – FRIDAY 29TH JANUARY 2016 between 3.00pm – 8.00pm
Each of these drop-in events is one of the first steps in the consultation process that will give those who live and work in the Parish their say on the future shape and development of their community.
We need your input on the things you like about living in the Parish and some of the things you feel need to change.
By coming to one of these events you can tell us your thoughts on what housing and business development is needed, if any, where it should go and what it should look like.
You can tell us what improvements to local services are needed in the coming years to support a growing and evolving community.
You can also learn about the progress we, the Sheepy Parish Council Steering Group are making towards a Neighbourhood Plan. Maybe you’d even like to volunteer to help us.
The Neighbourhood Plan must reflect the wishes of the local people.
So please come along to one of these drop-in events and make sure your voice is heard.
We look forward to seeing you in January